502-й батальйон важких танків СС / 502nd SS Heavy Tank Battalion

Тема у розділі 'Апарат-CC та Війська-СС', створена користувачем Stan Marsh, 7 лют 2011.

  1. Stan Marsh

    Stan Marsh Oberschütze

    Уважаемые камрады, кто то может пролить свет на данное подразделение?:)
    maaaaster подобається це.
  2. Цікаві лоти

    1. (в наявності 3 шт.)
      Винты к штыкам СВТ, ЗИП. Складское хранение. В консервационной смазке. В лот входит: Винт креплен...
      250 грн.
    2. Штык нож. Состояние по фото. Подвес. новодел. Штык нож разработан. Можна легко разобрать.
      4890 грн.
    3. Виробник Solingen. Лезо у хорошому стані, шат леза відсутній. Довжина леза 20 см. На металевих части...
      6300 грн.
    4. гарда на штик свт
      100 грн.
    5. В доброму стані.
      3500 грн.
  3. driverland

    driverland Oberleutnant

    West Alpen
    maaaaster та Stan Marsh подобається це.
  4. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    Фото из частного альбома воевавшего в 502 ТТБ танкиста


    maaaaster, Waffenschmiede та Heimwehr подобається це.
  5. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия


    Waffenschmiede та Heimwehr подобається це.
  6. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия


    Waffenschmiede та Heimwehr подобається це.
  7. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия


    Waffenschmiede та Buntara подобається це.
  8. Денис Волль

    Денис Волль Oberfeldwebel

    Россия, Красноярск
    Причём здесь 502-й ттб Вермахта, когда тема про эсэсовский?

    Офицеры 102-го ттб СС в Нормандии.


    von Goltz та Gunter83 подобається це.
  9. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    После войны. Тигры 102-го батальона СС и их новые французские хозяева.


    Waffenschmiede подобається це.
  10. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    "Тигр" №231(номер шасси "251113") из SS s.Pz.Abt.102.Командир SS-Unterscharfuhrer Reisske.
    20 августа брошен экипажем на крутом склоне у Vimoutiers,к северо-востоку от Mont-Ormel при попытке вырваться из "Фалезского котла".То ли по причине отсутствия топлива,толи из-за механических неполадок.Экипаж поставил два подрывных заряда: 1 по окружности башни, а другой в двигатель. Двойной взрыв не принёс сильных разрушений,он только поднял угол брони над двигателем и немного "помял" башню.
    Для того чтобы танк не мешал продвижению союзных войск,его столкнули в канаву у дороги три бульдозера США,где он погружался в землю на протяжении 30 лет.
    Тридцать с лишним лет, этот Тигр был нужен французам также как и «собаке пятая нога». Тем не менее, местные жители в качестве сувениров, сняли с танка всё что можно. Сколько он бы ещё лежал в канаве неизвестно, если бы…
    Права на Тигр принадлежали местному сборщику отходов монсеньору Морату. После его смерти права на Тигр перешли к его сестре. Она сразу же, в Кане, продала права на Тигр сборщикам металлолома. Новые владельцы не тратя понапрасну время прибыли за Тигром. Их увидела местная жительница Мишель Дюфрене, следовавшая домой после покупок. Она тут же сказала об увиденном своему мужу, а тот поставил в известность мэра Вимоутье о том, что их местную достопримечательность пытаются забрать. Местные власти тут же прибыли на место и заявили, что это их Тигр. После телефонного звонка историка Эдди Флорентина в Военное Министерство в Париж и последовавшей затем долгой торговли с новыми владельцами и уплаты им 6000 франков, Тигр удалось оставить себе.
    После широкой огласки этой истории, благодаря майскому номеру AFTER THE BATTLE #8 (1975), местные власти решили извлечь из канавы Тигр и установить его на постамент. Работа по извлечению началась в октябре 1975 года. Возглавлял работы Алан Рудьё. Для удобства буксировки с Тигра сняли башню, а затем при помощи двух колесных тракторов вытащили танк на дорогу. После приведения Тигра в порядок и его покраски танк был установлен на специальный постамент к востоку от города, недалеко от того места, где Тигр пролежал тридцать лет.

    Вот он сейчас.К сожалению состояние не фонтан


    Roma_1985, curbis, maaaaster та ще 1-му подобається це.
  11. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    "Тигр" № 132 обершарфюрера Вальтера Кнехта. Единственный танк батальона, возвратившийся в Германию после боев в Нормандии. В память о погибших товарищах на стволе танка нанесены отметки о победах всех танков первой роты 102-го батальона.


    Roma_1985, maaaaster та Waffenschmiede подобається це.
  12. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    Тигр 102-го тяжелого танкового батальона СС, уничтоженный в г. Бернау, 24,08,1944


    Waffenschmiede подобається це.
  13. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    Тигр 102-го батальона СС


    Waffenschmiede подобається це.
  14. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    Буксировка Тигра 502-го батальона СС тремя тягачами FAMO


    Roma_1985 та Waffenschmiede подобається це.
  15. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    Тигры 102-го батальона СС, попавшие под удар авиации в Реймсе, Франция, 1944


    Waffenschmiede подобається це.
  16. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    Камуфлированный немецкий тяжелый танк Pz.Kpfw. VI «Тигр» состава 102-го тяжелого танкового батальона СС выдвигается к линии фронта у реки Орн. Сзади, очевидно, установлены дополнительные баки с горючим.


    Roma_1985, maaaaster та Waffenschmiede подобається це.
  17. PLUT 56

    PLUT 56 Stabsgefreiter

    С пояснением фотографии есть?или информация по некоторым личностям??? лейтенант Эйнхорн и лейтенант Нинштедт из 502 танкового батальона???
  18. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    Through Hell at Halbe: my biography of SS-Sturmbannführer Kurt Hartrampf, Kommandeur, SS-Schwere Panzer Abteilung 502:-

    Kurt Hartrampf was born on 29 April 1906 in Haynau, Silesia, the son of coachman Gustav Hartrampf and his wife Luise, née Thiel. From Easter 1912 to Easter 1920 he attended the Protestant elementary school there. After leaving school he joined the Schlesische Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft zu Haynau as an apprentice. During his three-year apprenticeship he attended the commercial vocational school. From 1 September 1923 to 28 February 1924 he was employed by the Trebnitz municipal savings bank, but gave up this position in order to resume his former position in Haynau. After the merger of the Schlesische Lebensversicherungsgesellschaft with the Gladbacher Feuerversicherungsgesellschaft Mönchengladbach, the head office was moved to Berlin and he was transferred to Berlin on October 1, 1925.
    Hartrampf’s self-proclaimed, long-cherished wish to become a soldier was fulfilled on March 1, 1927 when he joined the 3rd Schwadron 8th (Pr.) Reiterregiment in Militsch. On 1 June 1931 the regiment was transferred to Brieg. Due to the general rearmament, which began in 1934, he was transferred to the newly established Kraftfahrlehrkommando Zossen on August 5, 1934 as a sergeant in charge of military service. Up to this point he had served as a recruit trainer. In autumn 1935 Panzerregiment 5 was created from the Kraftfahrlehrkommando Zossen, to which Hartrampf belonged from then on at Wunsdorf. Wunsdorf would later feature in one of the final climactic moments of Hartrampf’s career. From October 1937 he attended the Heeresfachschule für Verwaltung (Commercial Vocational School Military college for Administration) and passed the final examination II on September 12, 1938.
    In the summer of 1931 Hartrampf met his wife, Margarete whom he married on 14 September 1933. The Hartrampfs had two children, Karl-Heinz born on 6.1.33 and Gudrun born on 2.6.35.

    After his release from military service, Hartrampf stated his intention to join the SS Totenkopfstandarten, joining SS-Totenkopfstandarte “Brandenburg”. Promoted to SS-Untersturmführer on 30.1.39, Hartrampf led of one of the SS-Heimwehr Danzig’s rifle companies (I-III) drawn from “Brandenburg”, and was quickly promoted to SS-Obersturmführer on 1.5.39. From the beginning of the Polish Campaign, from 1-5.9.39 Hartrampf participated in the fighting in Danzig where the unit captured the Danzig Post Office after fifteen hours of combat. Following the capture of Danzig, Hartrampf participated from 6-14.9.39 in the combat at Gdynia, and then from 15-19.9.39 served in the combat at Oxhöft. Following his promotion to SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer on 16.10.39, Hartrampf was transferred to command SS-Panzerjäger Company 14 of Totenkopf Infantry Regiment 2. Serving briefly on the staff of the Division, Hartrampf and his unit remained out of combat until 19.5.40 when the Totenkopf Division was employed in the invasion of France.

    Hartrampf and his company experienced the fighting in France as follows;

    19.5-20.5.40: Battle at Catillon and fighting for le Cateau and Cambrai.
    21.5.-22.5.40 Breakthrough at Arras and defensive fighting against enemy tanks, and breakthrough attempts at Arras and Cambrai. For his actions at Arras and Cambrai, Hartrampf was awarded the EKII on 22.6.40.
    23.5.-26.5.40: fighting on the Bassée Canal at Béthune.
    27.5.40: Breakthrough over the Bassée Canal at Béthune.
    28.5.-29.5.40: fighting at Armentiéres and Bailleul.
    31.5.-2.6.40 saw Hartrampf and his company employed in the battle for Dunkirk and coastal protection from the Authie estuary to Gravelines.
    3.6.-6.6.40: Employment in the western operational area during the battle in Flanders and Artois (coastal protection from the Authie estuary to Gravelines).
    7.6.-12.6.40: Employment in the operational area during the battle in France (march & assembly in Raumev. St. Pol-Péronne).
    13.6.-14.6.40 breakthrough to the Seine.
    15.6.-19.6.40: Forcing the crossing over the Seine and fighting from the bridgehead at the Loire and the subsequent advance to Lyon.
    20.6.-23.6.40: Regrouping and advance from the Loire to the Charente.
    26.6.-28.6.40: Occupation of Southwest France to the Spanish border.
    15.7.-27.8.40: Securing the demarcation line between Moulins and Chalon sur Seine. 28.8- securing of the demarcation line and coastal protection on the French Atlantic coast.

    Following the successful conclusion of the French Campaign, Matthias Kleinheisterkamp wrote of 34 year old Hauptsturmführer Hartrampf on 15.11.40, “Hartrampf is a decent, reliable, conscientious and ambitious man. I have not been able to determine any disadvantage so far. He is a cultivated officer of sure and agile appearance, who is fully committed to his men and their welfare, with good soldierly disposition and full-fledged knowledge of his arm of service and weapons.” Energetic and decisive, Hartrampf was hard against himself and others, but benevolent and generous. Perfect and comradely, his performances in the leadership of the Panzerjäger company were deemed to have been completely satisfactory in every respect. “Hartrampf has so far proven himself to be a fully-fledged company commander, who fulfils his duties competently and calmly, without the need for supervision.”

    Hartrampf remained with his Panzerjäger company until 26.11.41 when he was transferred to TIR 3’s Vehicle Replacement Battalion. On 1.2.42 Hartrampf was again transferred, from the balmy French summer to the bitter cold of the Arctic Circle, where he commanded the panzerjager-abteilung of SS-Gebirgsdivision “Nord” for two months until 1.4.42. Assuming command of the Panzerjäger replacement company, and then battalion, following his completion of the battalion commanders training course, once again at Hartrampf’s old training ground at Wunsdorf. On 18.12.42 the Commander of the WSS in the Netherlands, SS-Gruppenführer Karl Maria Demelhuber wrote of Hartrampf’s performance, “Since taking over the SS-Pz.Jg.Ers.Abt I have noted a very diligent and ambitious officer. Hartrampf comes from the tank arm and is passionate about his service. The knowledge for his craft is good and he is anxious to create a usable substitute for the field army from the replacements available to him. Often, In spite of the great difficulties, especially with the numerous ethnic Germans from the Southeast, he still manages to push education and training forward. I particularly appreciate that. I consider his character to be decent and mature, with a consolidated ideology”. Hartrampf was transferred to the SS-Panzer Replacement Battalion II on 9.1.43

    In the period from 4.1 to 23.1.43 Hartrampf attended the 5th training course at the school for fast troops in Paris, and Demelhuber again remarked of Hartrampf’s solid character “Hartrampf has led the SS-Pz.Jg.Ers.Abt since 18.7.42. In the difficult circumstances of a training battaliong, the performance of the battalion under his leadership is commendable. He conducts the education and training of his subordinate officers and NCO’s with diligence and much zeal, but in many areas of the officer's training there is a lack of many years of peace-time training and personal education.” Hartrampf was promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer on 30.1.43.

    Shortly afterwards, from 18.4.43 to 22.5.43, Hartrampf completed a month long training course, again back at Wunsdorf, where he was introduced to the Panzer V “Panther” and Panzer VI “Tiger”. Hartrampf appeared greatly interested in, and favourably impressed by the panzers, and the course commander, a Major Collin, remarked on Hartrampf’s suitability as commander of a panzer battalion. Hartrampf’s new command came through on 11.3.43 when he was ordered to 10th SS-Panzergrenadier Division “Frundsberg” to take command of the second battalion of that unit’s panzer regiment, then training in France. Hartrampf would remain with “Frundsberg” until 20.12.43, when he was transferred to the SS-Fuhrerreserve. Hartrampf’s period of relative calm would be shortlived, as on 1.3.44, he was ordered by telex to III SS-Panzer Korps as a replacement for Obersturmbannfuhrer Otto Paetsch, as a heavy panzer battalion commander. From 7.6 – 21.6.44 he was sent on a training course at the Motor Vehicle Technical school in Vienna, but was soon back with SS-Schwere Panzer Abteilung 103, training with the Tiger I. On 20.8.44 Hartrampf was transferred to command SS-Schwere Panzer Abteilung 102 (later renumbered 502), and later equipped with the weapon that Hartrampf would later lead the breakout of the Halbe Kessel with; the Tiger II. SS-502 received their first six Tiger II’s on 27.12.44, but immediately had to return them, so they could be allocated to SS-503. Hartrampf briefly served as the commandant of the SS-Pionierschule Hradischko for five days in February 1945, before returning to SS-502 for the final fighting on the Oder front, and the slaughter of the Halbe Kessel. SS-502 received their first “permanent” Tiger II’s on 14.2.45, continuing to receive them into March. Due to their late receipt of their vehicles, the crews had little time to train effectively before their operational deployment.

    The battalion was ordered to Heeresgruppe Weichsel, and arrrived at Stettin on the Oderfront on 11.3.45. The chronic lack of effective training, at platoon and company level, as well as joint training with infantry contributed to heavy losses. During the night attack aimed at the relief of Kustrin on 22-23.3, the battalion lost three Tiger II commanders for the destruction of twenty Soviet tanks, losses the unit could ill afford given its state of competence. During the second relief attack on Kustrin the battalion’s vehicles drove into a minefield, and the battalion was withdrawn to Seelow to refit on 31.3.45.

    Hartrampf’s command numbered twenty-nine operational tanks on 16.4.45, but due to Soviet pressure the battalion’s actions were limited to fighting withdrawals, retreating westerly, losing Tigers along the way due to lack of fuel and ammunition. On 27.4.45, the battalion prepared for its gotterdammerung, the breakout from the Halbe Kessel.

    On 28.4.45, an anti-tank barrier before Halbe caused a considerable delay; the Tigers of SS-502 advanced into the village as far as the railway station, where they were ambushed, At 2000hrs the Tigers advanced again into Halbe, to be met by yet another anti-tank barrier. Two tanks were hit as artillery fire rained down. Jammed into a bottleneck on the narrow, tree-lined street, only the lead tank could fire. The panzer men asked desperately for an infantry assault group, yet had to disengage by reversing, or turning 180 degrees, presenting their rear armour to the enemy guns behind the anti-tank barrier. SS-Sturmbannführer Kurt Hartrampf was found in conference with company commander SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Neu in the former’s Tiger. Hartrampf had decided to withdraw under the covering fire of the leading tanks and bypass Halbe to the North, and ordered SS-Untersturmfuhrer Klust to assume the lead, so that the Tigers stuck in the village would have room to disengage and follow. Klust and the remaining Tigers, now at the spearhead of the breakout headed for the forest warden’s lodge at Massow. Repeated attacks by the Tigers paid desperate dividends, and the Soviets could not halt the deathride of SS-502. Approaching the Cottbus-Berlin Autobahn at dawn on 30.4.45, Hartrampf’s panzers came under fire; assembling infantry support with a Tiger, and the enemy was destroyed. In consultation with General Busse, Hartrampf proposed the Wunder forest warden’s lodge, west of the Wunsdorf-Baruth road as their next rendezvous. Low on fuel, the Tigers could not hope to last the final sixty kilometres to link up with Wenck’s relieving 12th Army; fuel would have to be found and obtained by force if necessary. SS-502 had to stay at the vanguard of the breakout if there was any hope of getting through.

    Coming up on the Wunsdorf-Baruth road, the panzers encountered yet another anti-tank barrier. Hartrampf knew the area around Wunsdorf well from his earlier training days, and sent a platoon of Tigers to block the road from the North until 1800. Hartrampf in the meantime had lost his APC, and as the main group collected around the road and railway, dominated from the North and South by Russian tanks and guns, organised an assault, driving at top speed across the crossing point, forming a bridgehead in the woods beyond, around the Wunder forest warden’s lodge. The unit survived intact, and pushed on. On 1.5.45 two Tigers from SS-502 linked up with the foremost units of Wenck’s 12th Army. The last remaining Tiger was abandoned due to lack of fuel near Elsholz, and the crew made their way to Tangermünde on the Elbe, surrendering to US troops. Hartrampf had led his men through the bitter final odyssey, and survived.

    Regarding Hartrampf’s award of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross, Veit Scherzer noted that there is no proof of the award in the files of the Bundesarchiv. In a letter of 07.08.1980 from E. G. Krätschmer to Gerhard von Seemen, this award and several others were reported as officially confirmed by Führerhauptquartier (FHQ), Berlin via radio message on 28.04.1945 to the 9th Amry (then in the Halbe Kessel). Incoming radio messages of 9th Army are no longer extant, and Scherzer points out, radio connection to FHQ in Berlin was cut off from 0500 hours on 28.04.1945. The case was reviewed by the OdR’s Ordenskommission in 1980, and their decision- clearly based in large part on the aforementioned Krätschmer letter- was “Ja, 28.4.1945”. Hartrampf is recognized as a Knight’s Cross holder by the Ordensgemeinschaft der Ritterkreuzträger e.V. [OdR], of which he was a member.

    Kurt Hartrampf passed away on 23rd March 1983.


  19. Vadim70

    Vadim70 Stabsgefreiter

      на продажу:
    Харьков Украина
    Тигр из sPzAbt 502 в Шпанково, Ленфронт 1944г. бои 20-22 января.

    Шпаньково, Ленингр. фронт0.jpg
    Останнє редагування модератором: 27 сер 2020
    Roma_1985 подобається це.
  20. badger1973

    badger1973 Stabsfeldwebel

    Нахабино, Россия
    1944 в Нормандии

